It took a helluva lot of work, but I did it. I have a 'B'. In a college level course. So it counts as an 'A'. I HAVE AN 'A'!!!!!!!
I got my polish back, but I'm supposed to spend less time on it (I won't).
The biggest thing I learned from these past few polish-less weeks is that I don't do my nails to go 'ooooh, shiney', I do them because it's my daily ritual, it makes me ME. You know?
There's not a lot that's unique about me, I'm not especially good at any sport, I'm not extraordinarily smart. But this little act, my nails looking good everyday, was mine. Mine. And it actually hurt a lot to have it taken away.
Recently I was doubting this blog, there aren't a lot of comments, followers, and I felt that I was spending a lot of time and money on polish when I myself didn't know why. But taking this (mandatory) break really re-kindled my love. Yeah, it's just nail polish, but it's my quirk. I can't wait to begin rocking neons again :)