Hello! I stole into my mother's drawer and found.... PINKS! And lots of them too. In preparation for V-Day I'm going to show you as many sheer pinks as I can find before the 14 PLUS *hopefully* creative french ideas. Here is (pinky to thumb) Wet and Wild Heavenly, NYC 215 Nail Glossies, NYC Love Letters, Sinful Colors Sheer Bikini, Revlon Sheer Blossom. My thoughts? Just alone (no french) Heavenly and Blossom were beautiful, Bikini was too opaque, Love Letters was barely there, and 215 was streaky.

Once you add just a white tip (no pink polish over it) Heavenly created a shimmering french, Love Letters a classic one, and Blossom a glittery one, Bikini at this point looked too opaque, and 215 was too light-toned.

Once the final step was applied, Heavenly looked overly stained :(, 215 looked like those fake nails you can buy from the Dollar Tree, Love Letters looked classic and pretty, Bikini was a mess, and Blossom looked a little stained. Over all, if you like natural-er looks, go with Love Letters, if you are a fan of a little extra something but still want to look natural, go Blossom, if you like a bit of shimmer, go Heavenly, if you just want a pink polish (no french, EVER) go Bikini, and never, ever, go 215. Tips were done with Nailene French Tip Pen. Some items used to make this manicure were sent to me for review. These products have been fairly tested with no bias on my part.