Confession: I love pale pinks. Maybe that makes me a bad nail blogger, but I rather adore that perfect look that seems fake but isn't. Glossy, near opaque, and that pink-white that is just a bit 'off' from the nail bed but still seems rather natural.
I do, though, hate those pinks that turn clear on the nail. For the purposes of distinguishing such pinks and helping out my fellow pink-lovers, I've made this comparison. I chose four pinks in close shades from different brands and price-points to show y'all. Here you go!

Now, a quick bit on each of the pinks in order from index to pinkie:
Wet n' Wild Sugar Coat-
This one is either the best or the worst for me, depending wholly on how the bottle feels like applying on any given day. I've seen some people wear it PERFECTLY but it can often just be a streaky mess. Honestly, it's all that brush's fault. The polish itself is quite nice, a white-pink with some warm tones that is more opaque than translucent. Four coats.
China Glaze Go Go Pink-
Maybe a mistake to have included in this comparison. It's very opaque and kind of jelly-ish. This is the least natural of all the included pinks and boasts a pretty intense pink color in comparison. I like it a lot, though. It's pretty cool toned. Three/four coats.
Lippmann My Romance-
Very melon colored. A deeper pink that isn't, again, quite natural. It's very jellyish and can be built to opacity but also looks good transparent/lucent.
Essie Better Together-
As of now, this is my holy grail pale pink. Less white than Sugar Coat, lighter than My Romance, less opaque and saturated than Go Go Pink, it somehow manages to look natural and flawless. It's what my nails would look like if I got gel manicures regularly and somehow managed to have more attractive nail beds (mine are currently stained and gross). It's not perfect, I'll still by buying pale pinks to see if I can do one better than this polish, but it's pretty darn close to what I really want. I might wear it for prom on Friday :)