Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hello, in my last Hair Of The Day post, somebody asked about keeping hair out of their face, I'm growing my bangs out right now in fact so I know the troubles with the half grown in hair. Today I did a simple braid (but reversed it, instead of going over when braiding, I went under [this makes the braid stand out more!]. I also only frenched one side [top side], the bottom didn't have any hair added in while braiding), I threw my hair into a messy bun and left for practice. I love this look!

8ty8 Beauty haul (found here) that I recived today in the mail. Contents include:
Orly Mint Mojito
Orly Cashmere Cardigan
CND Stickey
CND Solar Oil
Seche Vite
China Glaze Flying Dragon
China Glaze Ruby Pumps
China Glaze Watermelon Rind
China Glaze Wagon Trail
China Glaze Unplugged
Color Club Magic Attraction
Color Club Heart to Heart
Color Club Screamin' Fushia
Color Club Power Play
China Glaze Ruby Pumps
When (and if) I make a top twenty list I know that this polish will have a spot. I adore this Dorthey-slipper red! I've never owned a red, I always found them to be boring but this is just stunning!!!!!!!!! I'm in love. Keep in mind that the pictures don't depict the sparkle quite right. I even used my brand-spankin'-new SECHE VITE! It's shinneeeeeyyyyyy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Zoya Trixie
I sent invites for free makeup to the two people who responded to my post, just click the link! If anyone else would like free makeup (no strings attached!) just post your email adress!
Hey New People (That's All of You!)
Big shout out to Brooke, she directed most of you here! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog, I'd like to take a moment to tell you all, I love comments, I adore them. Please, if you see something weird or if you wish to see something feel free to comment on a recent post and I'll do my best to fix everything.
I will be leaving for a faraway land (Ecuador) tomorrow, the blog will be boring until the 8th. If I have time I'll post my NOTD today and tomorrow and then off I go! I can only take one bottle of polish with me, what should it be? Comment with your answer!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Yup, Another Post
I RE-DID my NOTD (at this point can I still call them that?). I used China Glaze DV8, a holo teal. Amazing. Just beautiful. Look at my perfect application.

I've Posted WAAAAAAYYYYYY Too Much Today...
I Konaded my previous manicure. I used Zoya Lael to stamp as well as plate m64. 
I took Midori off, I don't know why but my bottle of OPI Parlez-Vous OPI? was calling to me. According to my mother (who speaks a bit of French) the name means 'Do You Speak OPI?'. PVO is a muted creme purple, just a bit lighter than plum but way darker than lilac. I love this color so much. I will wear it with no topcoat or basecoat tomorrow to practice and I'll show you all how it's holding up!

<-It's actually darker
<-It's a bit warmer than this pic
I used the stunning Zoya Midori, at first I wasn't sure it was 'me'. I love me some green though so this shade quickly won me over. It is an apple green with a secret gold flash. LOVE IT!
FOTD, among other things...... PIC HEAVY!
Yup, my first make-up post (other than the last one!) I used Wet n' Wild Ultimate Expressions in Sand Castle for the eyes (the gold and bronze shades), Covergirl Lashblast mascara, and Korres Lip Butter in Quince for the lips. The eyeshadow was cheap and is highly pigmented and the lip butter was expencsive but it is my FAVORITE make-up item. Ever. Period. End of story. I believe you get the picture, speaking of which, I took pictures!!!

I also did my hair by twisting bits of it into a headband, if you like it, comment, and I'll do a tutorial!
Free Make-Up!!!!!!
Sounds like a scam, right? Well, I recived my package today and..... IT'S NOT!!!! Yup, I recived over two hundred dollars worth of stuff for FREE! Can you think of a better deal? I didn't think so! So, I get points towards my next package for refering you (don't worry, there's other ways to get points) so this post is invitation only, just email me or post your email adress and I will invite you, join off my invitation and get ready for free make-up! Meg (the woman who runs the site) is such a sweetie and the site is such a great place to be. Join now!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Girly Pink
Quickie post altert! I used Maybelline Salon Expert Girly Pink. I found this at Rite Aid for 75% off and figured 'what the heck? I don't have many pinks'. This color is very prim and proper, the below photo is one coats on my ring and pinky and index and middle are naked *gasp*. Look at how stained my nails are, blegh!

Next is two coats on the whole hand
The brush, it is AMAZING!!!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm Cheating, This Isn't Really A Post
Old nail art picture of my hands, the ones with short nails are my little sister's nails.
<-NYC Pink Polyester, Wet n' Wild French Tip White, Sinful Colors San Francisco
<-Ulta (unnamed), Wet n' Wild French Tip White, Sinful Colors San Francisco, NYC Black Creme
<- Sinful Colors What's Your Name?, Wet n' Wild (forgot the name, sorry), Wet n' Wild French Tip White
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hello again! I have thick brown hair. REALLY thick brown hair. I've entered in a giveaway to win a Zannclip which looks fabulous for my incredibly think hair. go to to enter for yourself! Good luck!
Hello again! Today I have my first full-nail Konadicure. I used plate m64 as well as Wet n' Wild Black Creme (a simple black creme, no duh) and China Glaze Recycle (a mid-tone grey creme). I'm quite proud of the results. Of course, Helene got to my hand again, look at the purdy flower!

<- Amazing picture
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nails of the Day, Both Yesterday and Today (I goofed)
On a non-nail related note (hey this is my blog, I can do whatever I want) I made these earrings yesterday, they're so pretty and delicate looking. I adore them.

Yesterday I continued my purple kick, I wore Zoya Lael on both my toes and my fingers. I recived Lael from the Zoya exchange and love it EXEPT I got serious chipping today (I wore it for two days).

Right now I'm wearing a funky french with alternating NYC Pink Pomenade Creme and OPI Do You Lilac It? toped with the corresponding China Glaze QT and China Glaze How About A Tumble to add holo-ness ( I LOVE holos, so sue me!). The pictures should speak for themselves.
I re-painted my toes China Glaze Kaleidoscope Him Out, a pretty blue holo. Just pretend that I don't suck THAT BAD at painting my toes.
China Glaze,
French Manicure,
Other stuff,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Agent Lavender
Hullo, today I wore the lovely, dainty, specatcular, Agent Lavender from the China Glaze Opperation Color collection. This color is the most perfect lavender ever. It has a creme finish and looks a little chalky at first but that does even out after three coats. I had a little streaking and balding problem but that too dissapeared. Words cannot describe how much I love this polish. Ignore my medication (anti-maleria for the trip I'm taking in two weeks) and my cup in the background of these pics.

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